I've searched for God. I see Him now and again ;) At times, He's not been hard to find. I've found Him in books, music, films, nature, marriage (in love and forgiveness), birth (watched all 3 of my children being born), pain (in suffering, in the easing of it), death (in its mystery - I at least see the need for Him)...
I've seen God in the size of our own galaxy (one of billions known)....to get across our galaxy, it would take 100,000 years travelling at 5.44 trillion miles/year (or 187,000 miles/second)...
I've seen God in my relationship with my children: If He sees us as I see them, then I see how God can view us as being precious (still hard at times to believe, though).
I've seen God in lightning, heard Him in the thunder, saw His purity in snow.... I've listened to Him in the rain, felt Him in the wind, watched Him in the crashing waves....
Have you seen Him? I catch a glimpse now and again...
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