Yet, we often live in shame outside this great blessing because we begin believing that God is apalled at our human condition (that is, our spiritual bankruptcy). The enemy then amplifies our shame by whispering one of the greatest lies: "You are the exceptional sinner and are no longer acceptable." Our reaction to this belief (the lie) is to erect walls - denying ourselves the pleasure of being truly loved by our Father. We forget that He loves us in spite of our ongoing failures.
The irony of this action is that these barriers are built against the One who has totally removed all barriers. Lies that are sown and take root can become great spiritual strongholds, which can keep us in great darkness. However, God is interested and determined to bring these strongholds down, which Paul says are "arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.." We are to use, "...the weapons of our warfare... not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]...mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds." Our weapon is the leading away of "every thought and purpose..captive into the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:3-6).
Strongholds (lies which set themselves up against us truly knowing God) begin to be removed when "every thought and purpose [is lead] away captive into the obedience of Christ." It is God who must reach in, lead us to the healing cross of Jesus (where our shame was destroyed) ...He must captivate our very thoughts, and continually breathe the TRUTH into us that we are absolutely loved and cherished as we are. We, in our present condition, could not be loved any more than we are at this very moment. Nothing in all creation can change that. Not even the sin of today and tomorrow...
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