- Peace is a fruit of the Spirit - not earned or achieved - no matter how much thought-energy we emit or produce.
- According to John, there is "no fear in love" (Greek here is terrified/full of dread). He also wrote that the one who fears is not perfected in love (it seems to me that perhaps in a sense, fear is the opposite of love...or, it is what is present when love is absent. When we do not love - we can cause those who we are not loving to be afraid; and likewise when we are not loved, fear is present).
- Satan is the father of fear (Adam and Eve hid because "they were afraid").
- Satan is happy when we are afraid ('nuff said).
- Fear stunts our spiritual maturity.
- Ultimately, God MUST be trusted.
- God possesses my freedom.
- We are not at home in this world of fear.
- Fear is the outcome of feeling unsafe (as well as unloved).
- We punish ourselves with fear (opposite of loving ourselves) when we feel guilt... Why are we guilty? We are guilty of hating those we love...so we punish ourselves.
- Every thought must be taken captive to the obedience of Christ (fear begins as a single thought).
- Fear is not what God intended for us in the beginning, and His intention now is to replace the fear with its "opposite."
- We must live in God's Word. We need constant-repetitive truth reminders.
- Perfect love casts out fear. Who is perfect love (the opposite of fear)? Jesus Christ...
- To live in fear is to live in the flesh - another reason living in fear is sin.
- Fear is a colossal waste of time.
- God is our FATHER. Whom (or what) shall we fear?
- We don't belong in this world of fear - we are here - but we don't belong here.
- Anxiety is to be CAST onto Jesus - for he cares for us.
- Fear involves punishment - we need to stop punishing ourselves...we are guilty, but the guilt has been removed.
- When we unplug ourselves from the Word and promises of God... prepare to fear (because we are unplugging ourselves from the truth of God's love).
- We are to "be anxious for nothing" but INSTEAD bring requests to God (in other words, fear puts focus on "me" - love puts focus on God/others).
All the "musts" and "shoulds" are there with the understanding that it is God Himself that "must" help us and ultimately bring about peace in us, for us, through us...
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