When I watched the "
Passion of the Christ," it did not cause me to crumble emotionally. I, like the rest of the crowd sat dumbfounded by the gore, but didn't get emotionally involved in the suffering of Christ. If "shock and awe" is an emotion, that best describes my reaction. I didn't connect with his pain. Who could?
The popular moment of emotion for most was when Jesus fell on the Via Dolorosa and His mother flashed back to Him falling as a child. Her "little boy" was hurting again and she rushed to His side. This caught my attention, however, failed to provide for me the "gripping moment". It did come for me. Slightly after this memory had come and gone for Mary, after the audience had dried their tears, something hit me. In the midst of their brief encounter, a son says something uniquely profound to his mother: "Look! I'm making all things new!"
Now, you may shake your head and say, "he's out of his mind," but that is the phrase that struck me where I sat and will be etched in my brain until I die.What makes that statement so profound for me? After all, that phrase does not appear in this story in scripture and as far as we know, never took place. But those words to me are the silent scream in this story - the underlying theme woven throughout the Christ's passion. Starting over was the Father's goal since Adam and Eve's fruitopial experience. The cross was the Father assuming responsibility for the sin of the world.
Imagine God taking responsibility for murders, mutilations, hatred, greed, all forms of abuse, slander, torture, lies and corruption. He charged His Son "guilty" for our sin.When I hear the term, "..make all things new," I can't help but think of the things in life that I can't wait for us all to "ditch." For instance: no more sad, depressive, angry, obsessive, worrisome, corruptive thoughts; no more nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, coughs, sneezes, runny noses, ear aches, headaches, pulled muscles, sore throats, fatigue, insomnia, yawns, burns, cuts, scraps, bruises, heart attacks, strokes, Cancer, Diabetes, Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorder, Paranoia... no glasses, cataracts, wheelchairs, crutches, canes, hearing aids, steel hips, walkers, prosthesis', ventilators, puffers, dialysis, x-rays, ultrasounds, tests, swabs, needles, pills.... no crying, fretting, worrying, moaning, groaning, cursing, raging, struggling...no debt or bills... cold, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, famines, floods, earthquakes... no fights, wars, bickering, whining, complaining, guns, bombs, gangs, dictators, bullies, drug addicts, alcoholics, robbers, sexual offenders, thieves...When God makes all things new...all we'll know is peace, strength, joy, happiness, love, acceptance, forgiveness, play, laughter, giggling, rest, fun, worship, contentment, satisfaction, safety, health and Him.